Note-taking Procedures

The following procedures only apply to you if you have completed Intake with Elizabeth Kell.

Step 1:

IMPORTANT- Your notetaking request will not be processed until STEP 1 is complete:
Email indicating the following:

Option 1: You would like a notetaker(s) hired on your behalf. You can choose to pay for notes in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of your courses. The cost for notes is $150.00 per course/per semester. In your email, please be clear which courses you are willing to pay for. If I have already hired a notetaker for one of the courses you request, you will have access to the notes and there will not be any cost for you.


Option 2: You want access to class notes only if another student has paid for the notetaker. If you choose this option please note, there is no guarantee another student will hire a notetaker for a particular course.

Step 2:

On the main page of ClockWork,

Click the "Students- Request/access course notes here"  icon

Then select the courses/notes tab.

Under the “I require a notetaker” column, change the “NO” to “YES notes are required” for each of the courses you'd like a notetaker for

Once you change the “NO” to “YES”, I will assign any previously hired notetakers to you, or I will work on hiring the notetaker on your behalf if requested.

Hiring notetakers can take time, so thank you for your patience.

Step 3:

Once a note taker has been assigned, you will receive an automated email each time new lecture notes are uploaded to ClockWork. We encourage you to download these notes weekly.